Travel Industry Fun Facts
Did You Know that travel and tourism is a $1.6 trillion industry in the United States? If one dollar bill equaled a second of time, then $1.6 trillion would equal almost 51,000 years.
Did You Know that travel and tourism generates $110 billion in tax revenue for local, state and federal governments? If you place 110 billion one dollar bills end-to-end, they would circle the world 419 times.
Did You Know that each U.S. household would pay $995 more in taxes without the tax revenue generated by the travel and tourism industry? $995 will buy about five weeks of groceries for a family of four, will fill the average car with gas 17 times, or will even pay the average cost of a ticket to a Michigan vs. Ohio State football game.
Did You Know that the travel and tourism industry is one of the country's largest employers with 7.5 million jobs? You could fill the Louisiana Superdome a hundred times over with people directly employed in the industry. For more, visit the U.S. Travel Association's website.
So, what's there to do in Pasco County? Plenty! Check out some of these cool spots this summer.

Miss Daisy Boat Tours on the Cotee River - Docked at the Seaside Inn in Port Richey, the Miss Daisy provides short jaunts on the Cotee River and into the Gulf of Mexico. Captain Kelly and First Mate George share the vibrant history of Pasco County as they cruise by homes of Gloria Swanson, Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, & Johnny Cash. Visit their website here.
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